March 7, 2025
The Progressive Era In Depth
The Progressive Era, spanning from the 1890s to the 1920s, was a transformative period in American history marked by social activism and political reform. It aimed to address issues such as industrialization, urbanization, and corruption. Key reforms included labor rights, women’s suffrage, and antitrust legislation, fostering a response to the challenges of modernization and striving for greater equality and justice.
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October 12, 2022
James Dean
James Dean was a struggling actor in Hollywood working as a parking lot attendant before starring in three popular films released within a two-year period, leading to two posthumous Academy Award nominations.
October 11, 2022
Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
Carpetbaggers and scalawags were both publicly criticized in the south for their part in the post Civil War reconstruction era. Carpetbaggers were northern opportunists looking to fill the slave labor gap and Scalawags were southern whites that supported civil rights.
October 10, 2022
Brusilov Offensive
The Brusilov Offensive was led by Russian General Aleksei Brusilov and was intended to divert Germany’s troops from Verdun. Beginning on June 4th, 1916, the summer offensive would cost nearly 2 million lives, one of the deadliest military events in history.
October 7, 2022
Ernest Hemingway Biography
Ernest Hemingway was an American Pulitzer Prize-winning author who served in both World Wars, lived a life of adventure, and ultimately committed suicide in 1961.
October 6, 2022
Ho Chi Minh Trail
During the Vietnam War, The Ho Chi Minh Trail was a network of roads that ran from Communist North Vietnam to American-backed South Vietnam, transecting the kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia in a sparsely populated mountainous region of dense tropical rainforests.
October 5, 2022
Yellow Journalism: History of Scare Tactics in News and Tabloids
Yellow Journalism is the strategy deployed by tabloid news magazines and more, Intending to excite public opinion using scare headlines of minor news events, the reliance on pseudoscience data and testimonies from questionable sources.
October 4, 2022
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday culminating the Ten Days of Awe and celebrates atonement and repentance through prayer, fasting, and abstinence.