March 7, 2025
The Progressive Era In Depth
The Progressive Era, spanning from the 1890s to the 1920s, was a transformative period in American history marked by social activism and political reform. It aimed to address issues such as industrialization, urbanization, and corruption. Key reforms included labor rights, women’s suffrage, and antitrust legislation, fostering a response to the challenges of modernization and striving for greater equality and justice.
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July 14, 2022
Punic Wars: Rome’s Carnage on Carthage and More
The Punic Wars, lasting between 264 and 164 B.C.E, were a series of attacks on the Carthaginians by the growing Roman Empire, ultimately resulting in Rome’s borders expanding significantly.
July 13, 2022
Who Were The Puritans?
The Puritans were a group of religious zealots as a response to King Henry VIII’s newly-formed Church of England. Puritans faced friction as their numbers multiplied, forcing them to emigrate to Holland and later New England.
July 12, 2022
Vikings: Culture, Conquest, Pirating and More
For nearly 300 years, Vikings or Norsemen sailed from Scandinavia to Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East and even North America, acquiring slaves, concubines and culture along the way.
July 11, 2022
Battle of Trenton: George Washington Leads a Much-Needed Victory
After back-to-back morale-deflating defeats, General George Washington inspired his Continental Army to cross the Delaware River to engage in the Battle of Trenton the day after Christmas, achieving a much-needed victory in the Revolutionary War.
July 8, 2022
Internment of Japanese Americans During WWII
After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, FDR signed executive order 9066 leading to the Internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans until nearly six months after WWII ended.
July 7, 2022
Battle of Jutland: The Largest Naval Battle in History
On May 31st, 1916, Germany’s armada would meet British warships in WWI’s battle of Jutland, the largest and possibly last battle fought entirely at sea.
July 6, 2022
Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770 Germany and raised to be a musician by his father and teachers including Haydn. His eventual deafness forced his later compositions to be created from musical memory, unable to physically hear the notes.