March 7, 2025
The Progressive Era In Depth
The Progressive Era, spanning from the 1890s to the 1920s, was a transformative period in American history marked by social activism and political reform. It aimed to address issues such as industrialization, urbanization, and corruption. Key reforms included labor rights, women’s suffrage, and antitrust legislation, fostering a response to the challenges of modernization and striving for greater equality and justice.
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October 21, 2022
Brooklyn Bridge History
The Brooklyn Bridge was built between 1870 and 1883 at a cost of $15.5 million or roughly half a billion in today’s currency. It would cost the lives of 27 men and severely injure many more, paralyzing the chief project engineer and bridge designer’s son.
October 20, 2022
Robert E. Lee: Confederate General in the Civil War and More
Robert E. Lee was a West Point-educated soldier who served in the Mexican-American War before becoming commander-in-chief of confederate rebel forces in the Civil War.
October 19, 2022
Socrates: Soldier, Philosopher, Teacher and Conscientious Objector
Socrates was born and raised in the golden age of Athens, studying the writings of contemporary Greek philosophers. Leaving no written records himself, thankfully his students included Plato and historian Xenophon, who wrote down the Socratic Technique and more lessons from Socrates.
October 18, 2022
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Seven Wonders of the ancient world are structures with evidence or documentation of early civilization’s advanced and bewildering abilities for construction, during a technologically primitive time period.
October 17, 2022
Overland Campaign: Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant led a six-week and massive three-pronged Union Army offensive now known as the Overland Campaign, intended to crush Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army, while capturing the rebel capital at Richmond before sweeping farther south toward Atlanta.
October 14, 2022
Leopold and Loeb: Ego-Driven Murder
Leopold and Loeb were intelligent sons of wealthy families in Chicago but decided to use their intellligence to commit a self-described “perfect crime.” Far from perfect, the murder of Bobby Franks was quickly solved, leading to confessions by Leopold and Loeb.
October 13, 2022
The Second Middle Passage: Slave Trade in America
The Second Middle Passage was the exchange of slaves from the upper south to the lower south as cotton overshadowed tobacco production. Many of the slaves sold during this period would be separated from their families.