March 7, 2025
The Progressive Era In Depth
The Progressive Era, spanning from the 1890s to the 1920s, was a transformative period in American history marked by social activism and political reform. It aimed to address issues such as industrialization, urbanization, and corruption. Key reforms included labor rights, women’s suffrage, and antitrust legislation, fostering a response to the challenges of modernization and striving for greater equality and justice.
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December 1, 2022
Bacon’s Rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion was the result of rising tensions between the Virginia Governor and Nathaniel Bacon, the leader of a group of extremists who burned down the Jamestown colony.
November 30, 2022
William Randolph Hearst: Biography of a Media Mogul
William Randolph Hearst inherited the San Francisco Examiner newspaper from his father, ultimately growing his media empire to a national powerhouse through sensationalism and yellow journalism.
November 29, 2022
Battle of the Thames: Moraviantown, Tecumseh, and American Victory
After losing Fort Detroit and the Great Lakes Region to an alliance of British forces and Native American tribes, future president William Henry Harrison led a ruthless offensive against half-starved soldiers and leading to the death of Tecumseh.
November 28, 2022
George Wallace: Biography of Alabama’s Segregationist Governor
George Wallace was elected to the Alabama governorship four times on a platform of segregation before ultimately renouncing his segregationist ideology and seeking reconciliation with civil rights leaders.
November 25, 2022
First Cross-Country Road Trip by Car
The first cross-country trip by car was completed in less than 65 days by Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson, bicycle mechanic Sewall Crocker and a bulldog named Bud, winning a fifty-dollar bet that inspired the trip.
November 24, 2022
Sign Wars
The Sign Wars were a series of messages between competing businesses that brought much-needed humor during a time of nationwide stress as news of the pandemic, climate change and more persisted.
November 23, 2022
Three Mile Island: Imminent Nuclear Disaster Averted
On March 28th, 1979, the pressure valve in the Unit Two reactor at Three Mile Island malfunctioned, beginning the meltdown process that was successfully remediated but not without panic and public perception turning against Nuclear’s promise of clean energy.