Daily Dose Documentary | Short Documentary Films for Microlearning History, Tech, and Medicine
  • Galaxies
  • July 1, 2024


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  • July 13, 2023

    Battle of Chattanooga

    The Battle of Chattanooga was a Civil War battle fought in November 1863. Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant defeated Confederate forces under General Braxton Bragg, securing control of Chattanooga and opening up a path towards Atlanta.

  • Battle of Chattanooga
  • July 12, 2023

    Everyday Life in Colonial America

    Colonial America was characterized by a simple way of life, with most people living in rural areas and relying on agriculture for their livelihood. Daily activities included farming, cooking, and household chores, with limited access to modern conveniences. Social and economic hierarchies were prevalent, with wealthy landowners and merchants at the top and indentured servants and slaves at the bottom.

  • Everyday Life in Colonial America
  • July 11, 2023


    Mugwumps are a group of independent-minded Republicans who refused to support their party’s nominee in the 1884 presidential election. They were known for their anti-corruption stance and support for civil service reform.

  • Mugwumps
  • July 10, 2023

    Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa is a former American labor union leader who disappeared in 1975 and was declared legally dead in 1982. His disappearance remains a mystery and has been the subject of numerous theories and investigations.

  • Jimmy Hoffa
  • July 7, 2023

    Great Steel Strike of 1919

    The Great Steel Strike of 1919 was a major labor strike in the United States that involved over 350,000 steelworkers. It lasted for several months and resulted in violent clashes between workers and law enforcement. The strike ultimately failed to achieve its goals, but it helped to galvanize the labor movement and led to improvements in working conditions for steelworkers.

  • Great Steel Strike of 1919
  • July 6, 2023

    Gandhi’s Salt March

    Gandhi’s Salt March was a nonviolent protest against British salt taxes in India. It involved a 240-mile march to the Arabian Sea where Gandhi and his followers made their own salt. The march sparked a wave of civil disobedience and helped India gain independence.

  • Gandhi's Salt March
  • July 5, 2023

    Battle of Long Tan

    The Battle of Long Tan was a significant military engagement during the Vietnam War, fought between Australian and Viet Cong forces on August 18, 1966. The Australian troops were outnumbered but managed to hold off the enemy, resulting in a decisive victory.

  • Battle of Long Tan