Daily Dose Documentary | Short Documentary Films for Microlearning History, Tech, and Medicine
  • Geography of Brunei
  • October 4, 2024

    Where in the World is Brunei

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  • December 20, 2023

    Sharecropping in the American South

    Sharecropping in the American South was a system of agricultural labor that emerged after the Civil War. Under this system, landowners would provide land, tools, and supplies to farmers, who would then work the land and give a portion of their crops as rent. However, sharecroppers often faced exploitation and poverty, as they were trapped in a cycle of debt and dependence on the landowners. This system perpetuated racial and economic inequality in the region.

  • Sharecropping
  • December 19, 2023

    Bombing of Dresden

    The bombing of Dresden refers to the devastating air raids carried out by the Allies during World War II. Taking place between February 13 and 15, 1945, the bombings resulted in the destruction of the historic city of Dresden, Germany. The attack caused significant loss of life and sparked debates about the morality and effectiveness of targeting civilian populations.

  • Bombing of Dresden
  • December 18, 2023

    The Zhou Dynasty

    The Zhou Dynasty was the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history, ruling from 1046 to 256 BCE. It was characterized by a feudal system, with the king as the central authority and regional lords governing their own territories. The dynasty saw significant advancements in agriculture, technology, and philosophy, including the development of Confucianism and Taoism. However, it eventually declined due to internal conflicts and external invasions.

  • Zhou Dynasty
  • December 15, 2023

    Gutenberg’s Printing Press

    Gutenberg’s Printing Press revolutionized the way information was disseminated in the 15th century. This innovative invention allowed for the mass production of books, making them more accessible to the general public. By using movable type, Gutenberg’s press enabled faster and more efficient printing, leading to a significant increase in literacy rates and the spread of knowledge across Europe.

  • Johannes Gutenberg stands beside his famous printing press innovation.
  • December 14, 2023

    The Last Cape Horners

    Sailing ships, once vital for global commerce and warfare, were eclipsed by steamships in the 19th century. Gustav Erikson, defying this trend, built the last significant sailing fleet, operating from Mariehamn, Finland. Post-WWI, he expanded his fleet with surrendered German ships, focusing on the challenging grain trade between Australia and Europe. Known as the Grain Races, these voyages marked the twilight of the clipper era, which ended after WWII due to technological advances and wartime losses, culminating with Erikson’s death in 1947.

  • Cape horner sailing through rough waters
  • December 13, 2023

    The Mid-Atlantic Gap

    During WWII’s early years, German U-Boats, exploiting the Mid-Atlantic Gap, devastated Allied shipping, threatening Britain’s survival by cutting off essential supplies. Despite forming large convoys for protection, Allied losses were substantial. These advances closed the Mid-Atlantic Gap, marking a pivotal turn in the Battle of the Atlantic and significantly influencing WWII’s outcome.

  • Allied destroyers travelling together in the mid-atlantic gap for safety in numbers.
  • December 12, 2023

    The American 1940s

    The American 1940s was a decade marked by significant historical events such as World War II and the post-war economic boom. It was a time of great social and cultural change, with the rise of jazz music, the Hollywood Golden Age, and the emergence of the baby boomer generation. The 1940s also saw advancements in technology, including the development of the atomic bomb and the introduction of television.

  • depiction of the American 1940s cityscape