Predictions of Nostradamus

While most academics dismiss the prophesies of Nostradamus as intentional mistranslations of his 1555 publication of Les Propheties, others have found his prophesies regarding future events to be numbingly close to the truth.
Who is Nostradamus?
A physician and astrologer by trade, his book of 942 poetic quatrains has long captivated the world. For instance, one of his prophesies regarding 911 reads:
“Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth shall cause tremors around the new city. Two great rocks will war for a long time, then Arethusa will redden a new river.”
Another of his poems relating to 911 reads:
“Two steel birds shall fall from the sky on the Metropolis. The sky will burn at forty degrees latitude,”
which in truth, turns out to be the exact latitude for New York City. Among Nostradamus’ most talked about prophesies include the Great London Fire of 1666, the French Revolution, the rise of both Napoleon Bonaparte and later Adolph Hitler, the Apollo moon landings and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. He also prophesied the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, both world wars and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
While academics insist that the prophesies of Nostradamus are little more than retroactive clairvoyant interpretations of his quatrains, plenty others maintain that Nostradamus was and remains one of the most gifted seers of all time.