The July 20 Plot

Before the outbreak of World War Two, attempts by German resistance groups to assassinate Adolf Hitler had all but failed in ending the dictator’s life, leading Hitler to become increasingly paranoid over the recurring threats to his life, adding layers of armed guards for his protection, while frequently making last minute changes to his schedule.
The Plot Develops
As war raged throughout Europe, a group of high-ranking German military leaders began to recognize that Hitler’s suicidal two-front war would lead to the total destruction of Germany at the hands of advancing Allied forces, opting instead for yet another assassination attempt, before staging a coup d’état against remaining Nazi leaders.
A Failed Attempt
Led by Generals Ludwig Beck, Friedrich Olbricht, Henning von Treskow and Lt. Col. Claus Stauffenberg, during a planned meeting at Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair bunker on July 20th, 1944, Stauffenberg planted a briefcase packed with high explosives under a conference table to be used for the upcoming high-level meeting with the Fuhrer, departing the room on a trumped-up story about taking an important phone call. Unbeknownst to Stauffenberg, another officer moved the briefcase away from Hitler’s seat, before the bomb detonated at 12:42 that afternoon.
Only Minor Injuries
Four people were mortally wounded, while Hitler suffered only minor injuries, remaining well enough to keep an appointment with Benito Mussolini, before giving the Italian dictator a tour of the bomb site. In the aftermath of the attempted assassination, Stauffenberg and Olbricht were arrested and executed the following day, while some 200 others were eventually tried and executed for treason against the Nazi regime.
Fall of The Desert Fox
Erwin Rommel was also linked to the plot, but was given the choice of standing trial or committing suicide in an effort to spare his family. Opting for the later, the Nazi’s covered up the true cause of death for the renowned field marshal, before honoring him with a state funeral, making the July 20 Plot, a near miss for the Allied fight against Nazi aggression.