November 24, 2022
Sign Wars
The Sign Wars were a series of messages between competing businesses that brought much-needed humor during a time of nationwide stress as news of the pandemic, climate change and more persisted.
November 23, 2022
Three Mile Island: Imminent Nuclear Disaster Averted
On March 28th, 1979, the pressure valve in the Unit Two reactor at Three Mile Island malfunctioned, beginning the meltdown process that was successfully remediated but not without panic and public perception turning against Nuclear’s promise of clean energy.
November 22, 2022
Sand Creek Massacre
As Gold-Seeking Anglo Americans forced Native Americans from their land, Colonel John Chivington ordered his soldiers to attack the Cheyenne and Arapahoe encampment, known as the Sand Creek Massacre.
November 10, 2022
Benedict Arnold: Revolutionary War Patriot Commits Treason
Benedict Arnold was a heroic Patriot during the Revolutionary War but felt unappreciated and overlooked for his contributions, leading him to negotiate treason with the British in exchange for money and power.
November 2, 2022
Zoot Suits and Fashion-Based Racism in America
The Zoot Suit was a fashion trend to exaggerate movements and gyrations born during the Harlem Renaissance and quickly adopted by minority groups across the country, culminating in the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943.
October 21, 2022
Brooklyn Bridge History
The Brooklyn Bridge was built between 1870 and 1883 at a cost of $15.5 million or roughly half a billion in today’s currency. It would cost the lives of 27 men and severely injure many more, paralyzing the chief project engineer and bridge designer’s son.
October 14, 2022
Leopold and Loeb: Ego-Driven Murder
Leopold and Loeb were intelligent sons of wealthy families in Chicago but decided to use their intellligence to commit a self-described “perfect crime.” Far from perfect, the murder of Bobby Franks was quickly solved, leading to confessions by Leopold and Loeb.