Bombing Axis Oil

“He who owns the oil…” Tillman, Forgotten Fifteenth, p. 81
“…the first heavy blow…” Miller, Masters of the Air, pp. 311-312
“…90 percent of its energy…” Ibid, p. 312
“…synthetic fuel would account for…” Ibid, p. 313
“…proved to be no faster than the Mustang…” Ibid, p. 354
“…terror is only broken by terror…” Ibid, p. 354
“I dove on him…” Ibid, p. 356
“With two crewmembers dead and four injured…” Mahoney, Bombing Europe, pp. 63-64
“I remember looking at my airspeed…” Blake, P-38 Fighter Aces of the 82nd Fighter Group, Kindle locations 1315-1329
“…had nearly doubled in a month…” Tillman, Forgotten Fifteenth, p. 91
“…the Fifteenth would lose 28 bombers…” Ibid, p. 92
“…a pretty good power-on, nose-high landing…” Ibid, pp. 76-77
“He broke up the enemy formation…” Ivie, Aces of the 325th Fighter Group, Kindle locations 731-750
“From that point on…” Dorr, B-24 Liberator Units of the Fifteenth Air Force, Kindle location 826
“We were stunned by the violence of the crash…” Ibid, Kindle locations 840-861 “
…not to watch the bombs fall…” Ball State University Library, Oral history repository, Donald C. Hebert interview
“…a staggering 2,351 heavy bombers…” Davis, Carl A. Spaatz, p. 417